Il TWISTER De-packager & Separator permette di separare gli imballaggi da alimenti o altro materiale organico.

Digestione anaerobica
Twister in esecuzione in California
Nel nord della California, North State Rendering elabora ogni tipo di rifiuto industriale nel suo Twister. Drycake ha progettato un design interno personalizzato per soddisfare le esigenze del progetto
Rifiuti alimentari domestici

Coca Cola




Clean Rejects!
SRF Quality! 30MJ/kg!
Twister packaging rejects have a calorific value of 30MJ/kg whereas SRF is maximum 25MJ/kg.
The ash content, compostable matter, is below 4%


The Orgaspiral conveyor system builds on our decades experience in screw conveyor technology. Made to feed from the Twister into a seditank or a Vogelsang Rotacut system

Corrugated tube heat exchangers formed by two concentric tubes and are especially useful for treating slurries (fluids which contain significant amounts of fibres or suspended particles) and particulate fluids.

Lithuania: Organic Fraction of MSW screened to 80mm. Twister input

Lithuania MSW Output

Twister installed in California. Custom in Pit design

Twister Configured with loading plates on side for truck to dump directly inside.

Food Waste Unloading directly into Twister Hopper

Twister Plastic Discharge is by tangential vortex. Our discharge was customized to the site needs.

Plastic Discharge Twister California